2 Ways To Easily Find Pictures in Gmail

In Gmail, you can find pictures that are in your inbox by using the search query “filename:(jpg OR jpeg OR png)”, or you can use The Save Emails And Attachments Extension to bulk find and extract image attachments from your Gmail inbox.

Find Pictures In Gmail

In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of using Gmail’s search queries and the Save Emails And Attachments Extension to find pictures in your Gmail inbox.

Method 1 – Use A Search Query to Find Pictures in Gmail

You can enter the following search query in the Gmail search bar to quickly filter your Gmail inbox to only show emails that contain image attachments:

  • filename:(jpg OR jpeg OR png)
Use A Search Query to Find Pictures in Gmail

Please note that with this method, you will need to open each individual email to view the photos it contains.

If you are looking for a bulk solution to find multiple pictures at once, use the second method below.

Method 2 – Find pictures in Gmail Using The Save Emails And Attachments Extension 

1 – Download and install the Save Emails and Attachments extension.

1 – Go to the Save Emails and Attachments extension download page. 

2 – On the extension page, click the “Install” button.

Download and install the Save Emails and Attachments extension Step-02

3 – Click the “Continue” button in the pop-up box to grant the extension permission to begin installing.

Download and install the Save Emails and Attachments extension Step-03

4 – Log in to your Gmail account using the new window that appears.

Download and install the Save Emails and Attachments extension Step-04

5 – After signing in, scroll to the bottom of the next page and click “Allow” to give the extension access to your Google account.

Download and install the Save Emails and Attachments extension Step-05

2 – Create a New Folder in Google Drive to Store Extracted Photos

1 – In a new tab, navigate to drive.google.com.

2 – On the left-hand side of the page, click on the “+ New” button.

Create a New Folder in Google Drive to Store Extracted Photos Step-02

3 – Select the “New Folder” option in the menu.

Create a New Folder in Google Drive to Store Extracted Photos Step-03

4 – Give the new folder a descriptive name that you will easily remember E.g “Pictures extracted from Gmail”.

Create a New Folder in Google Drive to Store Extracted Photos Step-04

5 – Click the “Create” button.

Create a New Folder in Google Drive to Store Extracted Photos Step-05

3 – Configure The Extension And Extract Your Pictures

1 – Go to google sheets and open a blank spreadsheet.

Configure The Extension And Extract Your Pictures Step-01

2 – Click on the “Extensions” menu option at the top of the page.

Configure The Extension And Extract Your Pictures Step-02

3 – Hover your mouse pointer over the “Save Emails and Attachments” option in the dropdown menu, and click “Open App.”

Configure The Extension And Extract Your Pictures Step-03

4 – Click the “Create Workflow” button in the pop-up window, . 

Configure The Extension And Extract Your Pictures Step-04

5 – In the “Advanced Options” field, enter the search query “filename:(jpg OR jpeg OR png)”

Configure The Extension And Extract Your Pictures Step-05

6 – In the Gmail label field, select “All Mail” and then click the “Continue” button.

Configure The Extension And Extract Your Pictures Step-06

7 – Click the “Choose” button under the Google Drive tab.

Configure The Extension And Extract Your Pictures Step-07

8 – From the list of folders, click on the one you created to store your extracted pictures and then click on the “select” button.

Configure The Extension And Extract Your Pictures Step-08

9 – After selecting your folder click the “Continue” button.

Configure The Extension And Extract Your Pictures Step-09

10 – Under the configure tab, deselect the “Save Email Messages as individual files in Google Drive” option. 

Configure The Extension And Extract Your Pictures Step-10

11 – Select the “Download and save inline images as file attachments in Google Drive” and click the “Continue” button.

Configure The Extension And Extract Your Pictures Step-11

12 – Name the workflow, then click the “save & run workflow” button.

Configure The Extension And Extract Your Pictures Step-12

13 – After the extraction process, click the link under the folder path tab in the Google Sheet to view your extracted photos.

Configure The Extension And Extract Your Pictures Step-13
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