How To Justify Text In Google Docs

To Justify text in Google Docs, highlight the text you wish to justify, then click on the “align” icon in the toolbar and select the “justify” option.

Alternatively, you can expedite the process by selecting the text and using the keyboard shortcuts “Ctrl+Shift+J” (Windows) or “CMD+Shift+J” (Mac) for the same effect.

How To Justify Text In Google Docs

In this article, we’ll walk you through these steps, enabling you to justify your text in Google Docs, resulting in more refined and organized documents.

Step 1 – Access Google Docs

Go to Google Docs and either open an existing document or create a new one.

How to justify text in Google Docs Step 01

Step 2 – Highlight Your Text

Select the text you wish to justify by clicking and dragging your cursor across it.

How to justify text in Google Docs Step 02

If you wish to justify the entire document then you can use the keyboard shortcut: “Ctrl+A” (Windows) or “Command+A” (Mac) to select the entire document.

How to justify text in Google Docs Step 02b

Step 3 – Justify Your Text

1 – Begin by locating and clicking on the “Align” button located in the toolbar at the top of your document.

How to justify text in Google Docs Step 03a

2 – From the dropdown menu of alignment options, choose “Justified.”

How to justify text in Google Docs Step 03b

Alternatively, you can swiftly achieve the same effect by utilizing a keyboard shortcut: “Ctrl+Shift+J” (Windows) or “Command+Shift+J” (Mac) to justify the text instantly.

A Caution Regarding Text Justification

It’s crucial to be mindful that justifying text may occasionally lead to uneven spacing between words. Therefore, it’s advisable to exercise restraint and employ this formatting option judiciously, reserving it for situations where it’s truly essential.

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